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St Paul's Cathedral.

St Paul's Cathedral a beautiful piece of architecture, as well as a functioning Church, where services are held. It is located in the heart of the city and is one of London's most popular attractions. St Paul's Cathedral in London is the seat of the Bishop of London and a major London landmark. It is located on Ludgate Hill in the financial district known as the City of London.
Like most Christian churches, St. Paul's Cathedral is laid out in the shape of a cross. The longer end of the main arm of the cross is called the nave; the two ends of the shorter arm are called the transepts.The West Porch, approached from Ludgate Hill, is the main entrance to St. Paul's. This is where Prince Charles and Lady Diana emerged as husband and wife in 1981. A large stairway leads up to six sets of double columns and the Great West Door.

In the dome there are three galleries:Whispering Gallery. It is accessed by 259 steps and an Elevator for the disabled. It is shocking that the words spoken on one side of the dome gallery will be heard on the other.

The next gallery — Stone gallery. It can be reached only by a spiral staircase, breaking 378 steps. This gallery offers beautiful views of the city.

And if you overcome as many as 530 steps, you will find yourself on The gold gallery (GoldenGallery), at an altitude of 85 meters above the ground.

It offers a stunning view of the city.


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A summary of the story “A Friend in Need”.

William Somerset Maugham, playwright, novelist and short story writer was born of British parents in Paris in 1874. At the beginning of his literary career Maugham was greatly influenced by French naturalism.  He says that life is too tragic and senseless to be described. A writer can't change life, he must only try to amuse his read­ er, stir his imagination. What about a story of two man ?  I think it is my favourite story from Arakin . Why? Cause this story is so instructive for everybody.  It was a funny story. Burton told us about so interesting person .  He wasn't a bad chap. The author  liked him. He was always  well-dressed  and  smart-looking. He was handsome and ,of course, women liked him.  A bit of money used to come in for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card-playing. He came to see Burton in his office one day and asked him for a job. He was rather surprised. The man told him that there was no more  money coming from home and he wanted to work. The
4 5. The belles-lettres style Belles-lettres style is a generic term for three substyles in which the main principles and the most general properties of the style are materialized. These three sub-styles are: ' 1. The language of poetry, or simply verse. 2. Emotive p г о s e, or the language of fiction. 3. The language of the drama The function of belles-lettres style is twofold: a) to inform and communicate facts and ideas to the reader b) to affect the reader emotionally As regard to the poetry the order should be reverse. All the three sub-styles have quite a number of common features. But in spite of that each has individual characteristics as well. The element of emotion is definitely higher in poetry where the author reveals his feelings directly. Unlike poetry the number of colloquial elements will be larger in drama where the oral type of language is widely employed since the form of plays is basically that of dialogs. While observing this last
9 3. Apokoinu construction is characteristic of irregular oral speech, presents a blend of two clauses into one, which is achieved at the expense of the omission of the connecting word and the double syntactical function acquired by the unit occupying the linking position between both former clauses. e.g. I am the first one saw he – is the blend of the complex sentence I am the first one who saw her. Due to its contraction to the apokoinu construction syntactical functions of the first one – predicative of the first clause and who – subject of the second one – are both attributed to the first one which becomes the syntactical centre of the newly coined sentence. The main stylistic function of that device is to emphasize the irregular, careless or uneducated character of the speech of personages.   Inversion is an independent SD in which the direct word order is changed either completely so that the predicate (predicative) precedes the subject; or partially so that the object pr