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4.Functional stylistics Functional stylistics is a branch of lingua–stylistics that investigates functional styles, that is special sublanguages or varieties of the national language such as scientific, colloquial, business, publicist and so on. However many types of stylistics may exist or spring into existence they will all consider the same source material for stylistic analysis – sounds, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and texts. That’s why any kind of stylistic research will be based on the level–forming branches that include: Stylistic lexicology Stylistic Lexicology studies the semantic structure of the word and the interrelation (or interplay) of the connotative and denotative meanings of the word, as well as the interrelation of the stylistic connotations of the word and the context. Lexical stylistics – studies functions of direct and figurative meanings, also the way contextual meaning of a word is realized in the text. Lexical stylistics deals with various
1. General Notes on Styles and Stylistics The subject of stylistics has so far not been definitely outlined. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all there is a confusion between the terms style and stylistics. The first concept is so broad that it is hardly possible to regard it as a term. We speak of style in architecture, literature, behaviour, linguistics, dress and other fields of human activity Even in linguistics the word style is used so widely that it needs interpretation. The majority of linguists who deal with the subject of style agree that the term applies to the following fields of investigation.: 1) the aesthetic function of language; 2) expressive means in language; 3) synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea; 4) emotional colouring of language; 5) a system of special devices called stylistic devices; 6) the splitting of the literary language into separate subsystems called stylistic devices; 7) the interrelation between language
4 5. The belles-lettres style Belles-lettres style is a generic term for three substyles in which the main principles and the most general properties of the style are materialized. These three sub-styles are: ' 1. The language of poetry, or simply verse. 2. Emotive p г о s e, or the language of fiction. 3. The language of the drama The function of belles-lettres style is twofold: a) to inform and communicate facts and ideas to the reader b) to affect the reader emotionally As regard to the poetry the order should be reverse. All the three sub-styles have quite a number of common features. But in spite of that each has individual characteristics as well. The element of emotion is definitely higher in poetry where the author reveals his feelings directly. Unlike poetry the number of colloquial elements will be larger in drama where the oral type of language is widely employed since the form of plays is basically that of dialogs. While observing this last